
A personal tech blog

Use traefik & LE resolver for automatic enrolment of IONOS certificates

Introduction I use traefik reverse proxy as the entrypoint for all my docker container services to have proper SSL termination. To enrol my certificates I use the development API for IONOS to solve the dns-challenge and hand it over to the resolver to request a new certificate when I create a new service. What is covered or what is the TL;DR here ? We use a Kubernetes Cluster to deploy KAN into it and use the ready to use AI Skills to connect our Videostream from the camera to detect vehicles.
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Re-deploy apps on your workstation with ease

Introduction With the release of version 1.5 of Winget we can finally add multiple app names in one install/uninstall command. Now we dont need to create powershell scripts to run the winget command multiple times for each action and app again. Implementation If youre running Windows 11 you already have winget installed, on Windows 10 you can get it via store. You can verify installation via winget -v for version and winget –info for generic information.
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Using KubeAI Application Nucleus for edge (KAN)

Using KubeAI Application Nucleus for edge Introduction I have a real world scenario requirement to implement an environmental sensor to count vehicles driving infront of my balcony. To do this my inital idea was to set up a camera and attach it to a Coral/TPU powered Rasperry Pi to catch the stream from the camera and count vehicles. As we all know, RPis and also TPUs arent available and anything then a good deal at the moment.
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Create high-quality GIFs from recorded videos

Introduction Very often I need to embed videos into my documentation or wiki articles. Due the fact that plain MP4 files arent support and even make no sense in a wiki, I needed a solution to have a quick and easy solution. For this we get use of ffmpeg and convert our file from MP4 to GIF. Especially when you want to show high quality videos, you should add a palette as input to improve the output gif.
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Running Plex in Docker with Hardware Transcoding

This Post describes how to set up Plex in a Docker Container while using the hw transcoding functionality from my Quadro GPU and the nVidia Toolkit.

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Detect Proxmox hardware unit hang

Recently I had some issues with the reliability of my local network connections from the proxmox host and their services. This came up with application crashes on a Windows 11 VM where explorer.exe restarted every time I connected to this VM via RDP or Plex started buffering the stream in random situations. Turns out this was due the reset of the built-in network card on the proxmox host itself.

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